Michelle Wincell O'Leary, MA, LICSW

Author, Therapist, Master Alchemist, Energetics Teacher, Publishing

Hello. Welcome to
Spirit of Therapy LLC

📚 My new book series "Flow in the Present Series" begins with Level One: Resilience. The book is presented in layers of consciousness, energy, tools, and creative activities.
Book release early December, 2024.

🌅 I provide online energetic therapy individualized to utilize your strengths and aligned with strategies geared toward your intentions and desires, designed in cocreation with you.
Sessions are empowering, delivered privately and securely, and tap into higher consciousness, wisdom and energies of wellbeing.

👩🏽‍💻 I teach online energetic alchemy programs offered in small groups where participants learn and experience energies, new tools and customized strategies that tap into your own inner wisdom and greater oppportunities to transform your life to what you desire. Ideal for individuals, leaders, alchemists, and spiritual seekers looking to elevate their potential into 5th and Multi Dimensions.
Follow me on social media for every day tips, inspiration and live events.

New book release SOON!
Available on Amazon & KIndle
Con·scious·ly Experience it!

🌱 Living Consciously
is one breath away...